Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Our teachers are Mr Rusirevi, Ms. Waldron, Mr Samuels

Upper KS2 Support Staff: Mrs McGrath, Miss Rashid





Year 5

2.5 hours per week

Friday – Maths, and English to be submitted Tuesday. 

Maths homework will serve the purpose of consolidating the week’s learning. Timetables are paramount to all aspects of Maths and should be incorporated at all possible opportunities.

English homework will focus on grammar, in particular, the elements of the Year 5 non-negotiables.

Friday – Spellings, tested the following Friday

Please encourage your child to use the  Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check technique.






My son started your school without talking or saying lots of words...But with encouragement, good teaching and not too shy.facilities, he’s now a chatterbox ,he’s more confident and not too shy anymore. Am grateful for all your help and I know he’s going
Former Year 6 parent