Our Safeguarding Team



Beam’s Safeguarding Statement

“Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility”

Children have a right to be cared for and protected, protecting them is everyone’s responsibility. Here at Beam County Primary School we take very seriously our duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. We are committed to provide a secure and supportive environment in which children can develop and grow into mature and responsible people.

Safeguarding children is an essential part of our culture of vigilance  approach to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect and that every child reaches their full potential.

If you have concerns about the safety or well-being of any member of our school community then please contact our schools Designated Safeguarding Team:


Designated Safeguarding Lead is Gary Anderson.

Tel 020 8270 4703




Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs. McKenzie.




The school’s staff, volunteers and service providers have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children as a shared responsibility with parents and other carers. To support this statement, the school may signpost to services that are specialised to promote opportunity, prevent problems, act early and act effectively if and when concerns arise. Therefore, whilst we do not want to worry you, we will report to Children’s Social Care if we have any reason to believe that a child may be at risk of suffering abuse or neglect.

Parents or carers are normally our first point of contact; we will support parents/carers and ensure we work in collaboration with them to protect children. When a referral is made to social care parents will be notified beforehand, except when guidance from social care or the police does not allow this.

We cannot safeguard children alone. All children’s services agencies work in partnership with each other. There are duties and rules about information sharing but if staff, parents or carers have any concerns about a child, other parent, provider, agency or any person, they have a responsibility to report those concerns and we must record and act on them.

We have a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which is underpinned by the Barking and Dagenham Safeguarding Children Partnership  Procedures  https://bdsafeguarding.org  and the document “Working Together to Safeguard Children” and Safer Recruitment guidance. It follows the Guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education”   https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education--2

The policy applies to all children.  It is in the policies section of this website and also available by contacting the Safeguarding Team.

What you can do

 Parents and carers play a role in safeguarding children in their community. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, you should report them to someone who you trust will listen. The school is required to have a designated safeguarding lead for this purpose. Parents and children should speak to the safeguarding lead if they have any concerns about a child or staff member.


Say something if you see something!


Call Children’s Services if you have any concerns. You can also call the police on 111 or if you suspect that a crime is actually in progress, call the police on 999.


Children’s Services Duty and Assessment Team


0208 227 3811


Emergency Duty Team (out of hours)


0208 215 3000



