Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of everyone at Beam County Primary School, I am pleased to present this website to you. It will give you an insight into what we can offer you and your child. Whilst the website cannot replace direct personal contact between school and home, it is hoped that it will act as a foundation for good relationships between us.  I hope that you enjoy your visit to our website.

We are an aspirational school with the highest expectations and ambition for all our pupils. We are a friendly and exciting learning community that nurtures high attainment and ongoing success for all.

Parents and carers are the most important influence in their children’s lives and it is they who ensure children come to school with the right attitude to learn. We aim to develop a close partnership with you so that every child in our care has the best possible chance of social and academic success.

At Beam our mission statement is to Create a Lifelong Love of Learning.

Striving, Inspiration and Community are central to the life of our school in fulfilling its purpose and these values inform our practice.

In choosing Beam County Primary School, a large vibrant multicultural school, you will be choosing a place where children are valued and cared for, where they are kept safe, healthy and secure and where learning and achieving in a stimulating, fun, and creative environment is high on the agenda.

As a whole school community, we constantly strive for excellence. From our strategic planning to our delivery of the curriculum and the wider curriculum, we constantly aim to be the very best that we can and offer the very best education and care that we can. Our Curriculum is rich in the delivery of basic skills as well as the mastery and application of knowledge. We are blessed in having a large , stunning playing field and our learning environment reflects the high emphasis we place on the creative arts and sports to enrich our pupils’ learning experiences.

One way of doing this is through our Strategic Document. This is a planning document covering the school’s long term planning over a period of three or four years. As a part of the planning process, we identify areas (priorities) that we want to develop over a period of time that will enable the school to become even better. Please press here to read this document.

At Beam, you will be part of a school where the expectation to succeed, in diverse ways ,is promoted and where children make a positive contribution to the life of the school community and beyond. More importantly, they enjoy their time here.

We aim to reflect the diversity of the community we serve through a strong and powerful community cohesion. We have established links with sister schools in Ghana – please press here to visit their website.   We also promote an understanding of citizenship and British values through school visits to central London, rural and coastal communities across the UK. Each year our children benefit from residential visits to Wales and as a taster to Stubbers Outdoor Adventure.

We work with local theatre groups of professional actors to enhance our curriculum and the Royal Ballet for our dance provision.  Our musician in residence ensures that music composition, performance and singing are an important part of school life. All of our children are encouraged to learn a musical instrument.

We offer a large selection of after school clubs including booster and eleven plus classes to ensure that all children meet their full potential.

If you require a paper copy of any information provided, please attend the school office and we will give you a copy free of charge.   

I trust that your association with the school will be a long, successful and happy one.

I look forward to you and your family joining our school community.

Miss T Whittington – Headteacher


